five years ago, I received two extraordinary emails on the same day, both from men whose wives are my friends, describing the unusual delivery stories of their children who were born the dagen før. Last month, we shared one of them: Sabine’s birth story, which took place just outside the doors of the hospital. I think when you read the second, Glenn’s experience of his kid Levi’s birth, you’ll agree that little Sabine and little Levi may be soul mates.

Here’s the email Glenn sent:

Hei alle sammen,

Shayna and I are blessed to announce the birth of our son, Levi. mother and baby are doing great. daddy is still in shock. Under ordinary circumstances, I would probably not offer details of our baby’s birth experience; but this story is kinda remarkable.

On Friday afternoon at 3:00 PM, we had a weekly appointment with our midwives in Las Cruces. As Shayna’s due date was November 16, we were hoping this would be our last check-in before delivery. In passing, I commented to Shayna that it would be much easier for all of us if she just gave birth ideal then and there to save us another trip to Las Cruces, which is 77 miles from our house in truth in Consequences. Our birth plan had been to labor in T or C and then drive to Las Cruces to have a home birth at our Midwife’s house. turns out my tongue-in-cheek comment was quite prescient.

Many of you are aware that this pregnancy had not been an easy one. Actually, that’s an understatement ”“ it’s been awful. Shayna was in the unlucky 1-2% of women who experience extreme nausea and vomiting throughout the pregnancy. At the beginning, it wasn’t uncommon for Shayna to throw up 15-20 times per day. She was even hospitalized one time when the puking got absolutely out of control. Over the past few months, it’s gotten a little better ”“ but she was still throwing up every single day.

So, the appointment on Friday went well, Shayna was 3 centimeters dilated ”“ which is in indication that things are in process, but not imminent. We left Las Cruces at around 6:00 to attend a friend’s 40th birthday party back in T or C; we had a great time and left the party around 9:00. We played some backgammon and then went to sleep.

At around midnight, Shayna experienced her first real contraction”¦then she threw up. 20 minutes later another contraction and she threw up again. once a lot more 20 minutes after that. This brought us to around 1:00 AM and we were getting concerned that Shayna was entering into one of her out-of-control situations and I thought she may need an IV. I called the midwives to give them an update and they told me that labor for first-time mothers can last up to 72 hours and that we must start to pay closer attention when she has 2-3 contractions in a 10 minute interval enduring for 1 time. This is called “active labor”. I hung up the phone, gave Shayna the update, and grabbed a pad to paper the contraction pattern. I gave her some medicine to treat the nausea and that’s when the fun began.

The contractions intensified immediately, enduring for a minute each and occurring every 3 minutes. After an hour of boosting discomfort, it was time to call the midwives again. They confirmed that against the odds we had skipped the entire first phase of labor and were already in the active stage. We were thinking it was time to get in the car to start the journey to Las Cruces but the midwives assured us that active labor for first-time mothers normally lasts at least 6 hours so we had plenty of time to pack our bags and hit the vei.

At this point, with the contractions still intensifying, we made the call to play it safe and leave immediately. It’s now 3:00AM.

It was a normal new Mexico night with a pitch black, starry sky. I was driving our Subaru Forrester, Shayna was in the back seat. In buy to lessen the pain of the contractions, Shayna negotiated herself into a downward dog-like posture with her face buried in some pillows to muffle her screams. around 20 minutes into the ride, her water broke and the contractions had taken on a new dimension of intensity. It felt to Shayna like the baby was coming.

I called the midwife again to let her know the update and she heard Shayna’s screams. though she tried to assure me that we’d have plenty of time to make it to her house, something in her voice made me realize I better drive faster. So, now I’m driving 100 MPH and the midwife requested that we stay on the phone ”“ another indication that we were farther along than we hoped. The midwife and I were calculating whether it made sense for her to meet us on the road or for us to keep driving. In agony, Shayna instructed me to keep driving. The midwives, Shayna and I all knew that this was now a race against time.

As lots of of you know, we live deep in the new Mexico desert ”“ it would be fair to say we live in the middle of nowhere. So, the drive from T or C to Las Cruces brings us into the middle of the middle of nowhere. Mottaksmottak på motorvei 25 er i beste fall flekkete, og vi opplever alltid nedlagte anrop på denne turen. Jeg ble forsteinet om at samtalen min med jordmoren skulle slippe, og at Shayna virkelig kan ha babyen i bilen. På dette tidspunktet spurte jeg jordmoren hva jeg skulle gjøre hvis babyen kom, og hun fortalte meg at det ikke kom til å skje, men hvis det gjorde det, bare pakk et teppe rundt ham og fortsetter å kjøre.

Nå, på dette tidspunktet, det jeg tror er en av de mest bemerkelsesverdige delene av historien skjedde. Midt i absurditeten til Shayna i sluttfasen av den siste fasen av arbeidskraften, fremdeles kjører 100 mph og fremdeles 15 minutter fra Las Cruces, ser jeg opp på himmelen og ser den vakreste skytestjernen jeg noensinne har sett. Dette var ikke en svak skytestjerne som forsvinner etter en brøkdel av et sekund. Dette lignet mye mer på en komet, og det var som om tiden sto stille. På dette tidspunktet visste jeg 2 ting: babyen var i ferd med å bli født og at alt skulle gå i orden.

Fem minutter senere, nær off-rampen av US70-avkjørselen, kunne Shayna ikke lenger holde ham i. Fortsatt på telefonen med jordmoren, etter mor-til-alle-kontraktene, hørte jeg ropet fra en baby. Shayna og jeg var begge hysteriske da vi endelig trakk oss inn i oppkjørselen der vi ble møtt av våre 3 jordmødre. Den ene gikk ideelt for babyen, en dro umiddelbart til Shayna og en omsluttet meg med mor-til-alle-klemmer. Jeg klippet ledningen og babyen ble løsrevet fra mamma. Som jeg sa ovenfor, har mor og baby det bra. Jeg er fortsatt i sjokk.

Vi kalte ham Levi Akasha etter 3 besteforeldre som ikke lenger er med oss.

Denne opplevelsen forsterker nok en gang min følelse av undring og beundring av Shaynes skjønnhet, styrke, besluttsomhet, fokus og besluttsomhet. Hun er kjærligheten i livet mitt.

Levi veide 6 kg og 4 gram ved fødselen. Han var 18,5 tommer lang. Han er helt nydelig. Buzz er at han ser ut som meg.


Takk, Glenn og Shayna, for at du delte din bemerkelsesverdige historie! Mine kjære lesere, føler dere folk like gråtende som jeg gjør når jeg leser dette?


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